Deepavali Gathering

Nov 24, 2023 | Company Events

Date: 24h November 2023
Location: Nastah Training Room

This year, we had our Deepavali celebration at Nastah on November 24, 2023. It was a special day where everyone can wear traditional Indian clothes, making the office colorful and festive.

The best part was when we all had lunch together. Colleagues from different backgrounds joined in, and we enjoyed delicious dishes. It felt like a big family meal, bringing us closer as a team.

The Deepavali celebration wasn’t just a party; it showed that Nastah values everyone’s background. It was a chance for us to learn and appreciate each other’s cultures, making our workplace more friendly and united.

Looking back on this special day, we’re excited about more events that bring us together and celebrate the diversity at Nastah

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